Monday 6 October 2014

A little twisted.

Maybe I am a little twisted, I don’t really know, but I have this strange desire to make people feel addicted to me. I want someone to want to crawl through the flames of hell for me, or someone who will fly across the world just so that they can watch me smile. I want a romance worthy of Shakespeare, nothing less.

But isn’t that just so alluring, the power to drive someone absolutely insane. Someone who hangs onto every syllable you utter and every look your eyes make. Someone who can describe your voice to the point of rendering a crowd speechless, who makes even your darkest moments seem like a gift worthy of praise.

Maybe this is just a reflection of my insecurities. I am not sure. But there is just something intoxicating about the thought of being someone’s obsession.

I realise that there is also a darker side to obsessions, you know the whole stalking buzz, but I don’t know, I can see how that is irritating and annoying and unnerving, but still so alluring.
So I sit and dream of making people serve me, not out of fear, but out of obsession and love and lust, I just want to feel like someone’s everything. And if that is sick and twisted to want someone to die for my smile then I will be sick and twisted.

But please take me like your drug and let my voice infuse your blood with my words and bring you to a point of euphoria, which you can never reach without me. Crave my touch and long for my kiss. But most of all dote on me as if I am nothing but a lamb that needs your constant care. And maybe, just maybe I will give you what you so desire.

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